Contact Azure Healthcare of Arizona

Thank you for your interest in the Azure Healthcare of Arizona Network, an Independent Physician Association. We are excited to offer you the opportunity to become a Preferred Provider for our Community Plan, now available in the Arizona Marketplace.  As a Preferred Provider, and because of your outstanding profile derived from our Transformative Provider Analytics®, you have been selected to receive a participation agreement.  Preferred Providers receive the higher reimbursements, are geographically protected to ensure the most referrals, utilize simple electronic authorizations, potential equity opportunities, a high-quality network for referral, and have a voice in the IPA for Clinical and Business administration. 

You must respond in order to receive a contract!

Please Provide the Information Listed Below

What happens next?

Within thirty (30) days of verifying the information above, you will receive from our Credentialing Office your Participation Agreement for your review, with rates, in-network compliance, participation agreement, and invitation for admittance to our executive board of the Network.


Please feel free to contact us so we can answer all questions you, as a Preferred Provider, might have in servicing our valuable patients with directed, intentional care.  You can reach us at (480) 346-1404 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, Monday through Friday.  If you wish to learn more about us, go to .


Brent McArthur

Chief Operating Officer

Azure Network Operations